Shana Brodnax, MS, PCC
Senior Consultant
Pronouns: She/Her
Shana Brodnax is a leadership coach and former nonprofit executive with 20 years of experience driving results in community-based change initiatives. As the Chief Program Officer of PACE Center for Girls from 2014-2017, she led a network of 19 trauma-informed schools for middle and high school girls at risk of entering the juvenile justice system. From 2007-2014 she served as Senior Manager at the Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ), overseeing key cornerstones of their cradle-to-career pipeline – first leading HCZ’s comprehensive early childhood programs, and then heading up their elementary, middle, and high school programs serving more than 4,000 children. She is an Annie E. Casey Foundation Children and Families Fellow trained in Results-Based Leadership, a Qualified Practitioner of Results-Based Facilitation, a Professional Certified Coach through the Co-Active Training Institute and the International Coaching Federation, a certified yoga instructor and yoga therapist, a certified facilitator of writing circles, and holds an M.S. in Nonprofit Management from the New School.