Barbara Toth
Senior Consultant
Pronouns: She/Her
Barb is an independent consultant, partnering with organizations to improve outcomes for young people with foster care experience. During her decade plus with the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, Barb helped develop the youth engagement portfolio, including the Youth Leadership Institute and young fellowship program, contributed to publications, and the design of conferences. Prior to her work with Casey, Barb managed federal and state grants for SIDS Resources. Barb partners with the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Pregnancy Prevention and Parenting Support team to disrupt the cycle of child welfare involvement. As a Senior Consultant with Maddy Day LLC & Associates, Barb focuses on developing evaluation tools that assist organizations in setting and meeting targets to improve well-being outcomes. Additionally, she serves as the administrative coordinator, overseeing accounting and compliance activities. Barb supports the use of quality data in decision-making as a tool to reach equitable results and improve outcomes.